Wow, here it is eleven days into November! Wasn't it just yesterday that we were fully into VBS preparations and we were trying to keep cool any way we could?...even in August it was HOT, HOT, HOT! Thank goodness for mountain breezes to give us a bit of a break.
Can't believe it is holiday time once again. I have been meaning to update our blog since September; but our days have been full. The days seem to just fly by, and "good intentions" slip away. So before the snow starts falling, and Christmas has come and gone, here are a few pictures of our Fall in Bangor, Pa.
As anywhere in the USA...the church's backyard had several "spontaneous" football games just prior to the start of the beginning of the new school year and following, all through September and October, as well...
The girls just mostly cheered them all on.
Then, before we knew it, October was here. Bangor, we are told, always holds a Halloween Parade right down Second Street...past the Crossroad Baptist Church. This year's parade was October 21st, a Thursday night. Parking is blocked off on Second Street for the Parade. Most of the participants use Chestnut Street (our street) for parking. We have been having Praise Team Practice on Thursday nights...they found it a challenge to get to practice...let alone find a parking space once they got here! But no one seemed to mind...and all went on for everyone. As you can see from the picture...some got into costume right where they parked. The cute "kitty" was parked right outside our parsonage and was more than willing to pose for me. :>)
We were amazed...however...there was not one "Trick or Treater" that came to visit on Halloween Day...not even the church kids from Second Street! In fact, I only saw a few people out...and then they came in a car...was gone for a few minutes...then came back, got back into their car and drove off.
Of course, the trees begin turning into beautiful shades of color in September...but they really began to reach their richness about the time I finally remembered to take some pictures from the parsonage... up and down our street, as well as a few pics of the back yard of the church and beyond.Looking up Chestnut Street from the Parsonage Front Porch
Looking down Chestnut Street, towards the Church at Second Street,
also taken from our front porch
Looking at the Church Back Yard...our everyday view from our kitchen window!
Our parsonage flowers are still trying to hang on!
Today, the eleventh day of the eleventh month is VETERANS DAY, originaly known as ARMISTICE DAY. So today, we give a huge THANK-YOU! to all of our veterans, past and present who have, and are, bravely served/serving our country. Here is Wanda's "Very Special Veteran"...he served during a very unpopular war...Viet Nam...many veterans of this generation were actually spit on, upon arrival back in the States...there was no "Victory Parade Welcome" for has taken many years for these veterans to heal from well as physical and mental wounds...some still are in the process of healing.
circa 1963-1971
...a little nostalgia here...
May 3, 1964
Our Wedding Day
This past Sunday, November 7th, we thought it fitting to honor our veterans at Crossroad Baptist with a power point presentation, as well as honoring family members of veterans. Here are a few pics, that our friend and church member, Vicki Keiper took for us. Thanks Vicki! This is our tribute to all veterans...THANK YOU!
Jim Patrick, Army
Mitchell Lindquist, Air Force
Phil Smith, representing his Marine Father, Roger Smith
Anthony Polcari, Navy
Jim Patrick, Army
Mitchell, Air Force
Mitchell was privileged to baptize Jim on Easter Sunday
and then married Jim and his wife, Fay, in May
Praise Team Members, Phil Smith and Anthony Polcari
Phil Smith, a Praise Team Member, (third from left) comes to honor his Marine Dad, Roger Smith,
as well as, four uncles, and his Mom;
Tony Polcari (Far Right), our Praise Team Drummer and a Lay Pastor,
served in the Navy.
Tony's son, Jared, is presently serving in the National Guard.
Each one was presented with a "Thank-You for Honorable Service" Card
We also honored the brother of Kate Postma and uncle of Kara Postma,
Robert Burster, Army, who served in Korea.
Robert had passed away earlier this year.
A special presentation was given to Kate, in honor of her brother.
There were others who shared and honored their family veterans, past and present,
with the congregation.
We started this Veterans Tribute with Wanda's "Favorite Vet" circa 1963-1971...Wednesday afternoon, DeFranco elementary school in East Bangor invited community verterans for a luncheon and program by the elementary classes. Our lunch consisted of turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, corn, fruit, cookies and pastries...and of course, coffee and tea. Many veterans and spouses, including us, were present. We each were presented a carnation (Mitchell's was white, mine was red) as well as a patriotic treat to take with us. One gentleman was dressed in his original WW2 Navy uniform (dark blue) and he still looked pretty "spiffy"! I was impressed. His wife was with him and it was obvious they were still very much in love. There were lots of "stories" from all the branches of service; it was interesting to learn from them. The children put on an excellent program for the veterans. Well done, Defranco! When we arrived back home, I snapped a few "circa 2010" pics of...who else?...MY FAVORITE VETERAN!
Mitchell at the Parsonage
Mitchell at Crossroad Baptist Church
This concludes our Fall news from Bangor, PA.
But, in the meantime, some exciting things have been going on with our family in Ohio...
Ruth's husband, Hugo, is going to have his USA art exhibition debut next Saturday. Our son David has been busy helping to make frames for Hugo's "odd-size" paintings. We thought we might include a few things here...starting with when we were back home in June...Hugo gives Mitchell a "crash" course in how he measures and prepares his canvas...
June 2010...Our artist begins...just think, Hugo...FIVE more months to go!
This particular week was the beginning of the hottest days of the year, so far!
This particular week was the beginning of the hottest days of the year, so far!
It's hard to pick any one favorite...but here are a few of ours...
"Beautiful Diversity"
This one represents prejudice...just because one is different doesn’t make it less beautiful.
"Cincinnati Blues"
Do you see the guitar??? Hugo is also a talented singer and guitarist
"Cincinnati Winter"
"Warm Winter"
"Moonlight Fiesta"
Our Son, David, Helps Make Hugo's Frames
Ahhh! The Finished Product
This one is NOT FOR SALE!
The gold mask in the center is a mold of the face of our daughter, Ruth Ann.
We loved this unique picture, even before we knew the story of the mask.
(Maybe because of my Native American [Iroquois] background)
Anyway, it now hangs in our Parsonage Dining Room.
Thank you, Hugo, for a very lovely gift.
A little background on our son-in-law...for our friends...
from his press release...
The premier showing of the collection “Pathways” will be held in Sharonville , Ohio on November 20, 2010 from until The artist, Hugo F. Lara Jr., will be speaking about his collection, style and background at
This collection specializes in abstract; heavy texture and bright colors are what make these paintings unique. The effect on the eye is what matters for the artist. This is his view of the world and his paintings invite you to explore the world in a new and exciting way. The title “Pathways” was given to the collection to signify the many paths that we must travel in this life.
Born January 20, 1974 in Guayaquil , Ecuador , the artist came to the United States on October 27, 2007 . Hugo F. Lara, Jr. comes from a family of famous multi-expressive artists. The artist’s talent was apparent from a very young age. His father, Hugo F. Lara Sr., taught him to paint professionally in 1988. He studied art formally during his teenage years at Bellas Artes, a prestigious school for the performing and visual arts. His first art gallery was in 1989 at the age of 15 in El Barrio las Peňas. He was a board member of The Culture House in General Villamil, Playas, Ecuador , from 2000 to 2003. The artist has come to the U.S. to share his art and continue his career as a multi-expressive artist.
Hugo, ...May God shower His Geatest Blessings upon you and Ruth Ann, as you make your USA debut on November 20th.
We also have another artist in our family...Dave's wife, Nadine, ... who does beautiful wall murals! She recently held a craft show, of which some of her other artwork is demonstrated below...
I stand amazed at the talent of Nadine and Hugo...I'm lucky if I can draw a straight line...with a ruler, even!
We are so very proud of each of our three children, Ruth, David, and Peter, as well their spouses Hugo, Nadine, and Mollie, and our grand-children, Isaac, Pascal, and Zoe. To All of our Family and Friends, we give thanks for each of you, and we wish each of you God's richest blessings!
Wanda and Mitchell
aka..."Mom & Dad"..."Grandma & Grandpa"
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