Saturday, September 4, 2010


Hello Everyone!
Mitchell & I have decided to join the "Internet Society" and attempt to create our own Blog.  It took our own  kids creating their family blogs for us to "get with it"  So here goes.

In January of 2010, we began a new adventure:  Mitchell began Interim Ministry at Crossroad Baptist Church in Bangor, PA (Southeastern PA).  Before that time, we were in ministry for three years in Honesdale, Pa (Northeastern Pa).  The house is our parsonage...a large, beautiful, and lovely home which is right next to the church located on 122 Chestnut Street.  The street intersects with South Second Street.  Hence, when the church changed its name of Mackey Memorial Church about three or four years ago, they renamed it "Crossroad" Baptist Church.  Pretty cool, huh?  Second Street is actually the FRONT of the church, pictured at the right.

Soon after we arrived, we were hit with several snowstorms. The picture that follows looking out our kitchen window in mid-February.  I was forever cold until about the first of May!  Thought
it was never going to get warm again.  Alas, comes Memorial Day, how wrong I was!  Then in July we all were hollering..."When is it going to get cool again???"  The church has no air conditioning, needless to say.  However, I like it.  Windows are open and the church music easily comes wafting out to the Community, just like in yesteryear.  I know...I am old-fashioned.  But it seems an ever present witness to me.

Lent and Easter was very busy for us...but helped to get us acquainted with the community churches and pastors through the Wednesday night Lenten services and the Tuesday Luncheons each week.

On Good Friday, the "Cross Walk" began at our church.

The best part was on Easter Sunday when Mitchell had his first baptism here with Jim Patrick. What a testimony he has! Jim's future wife, Fay (our church treasurer) read Jim's "Life Verse" before he was baptized. As it turned out, in May Mitchell would have his first wedding at Crossroad...Jim & Fay. They both had lost their mates to cancer about a year ago. Fay was responsible for Jim's coming to the church and finding New Life in Christ. Wish I had time to tell all of their story. It's such a blessing! Best of all, they are so in love with one another!!!

Right after Easter services, we headed for our first return visit to Cincinnati for a lovely week's visit with the family.  The morning we were scheduled to return...we received a call at 5:30 AM from our daughter that she, her new husband, Hugo Lara, and their dog "Pooh-Bear"  was just in a car accident on her way to work.  They were hit from behind in a 25 mph zone, as she was preparing to brake for a stop sign.  The car was do the math!!!  Fortunately, though, none of them were hurt, just bruised and badly shaken.  So we went to pick them up and help them spend the day getting another car to drive.  But all ended well by the end of the day, and we were able to return to Bangor the next day.

So ends a brief (?) summary of our first four months in Bangor.  I shall share more in the next posting.

Love to you all,
The "Senior" Lindquist's 

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